Carbon Free Homes: Features, Benefits, Valuation
For real estate professionals to guide buyers and sellers to recognize the features, benefits and value of an all-electric home.
For real estate professionals to guide buyers and sellers to recognize the features, benefits and value of an all-electric home.
How to select the most appropriate window technology for a given California climate in order to save on HVAC costs and increase comfort.
How to design and build high performance wall and roof assemblies that deliver energy efficiency rather than moisture failures.
For real estate professionals to guide buyers and sellers to recognize the features, benefits and value of an all-electric home.
How good design decisions can create attractive, healthy, electrified homes, & reduce greenhouse gas emissions – without increasing cost.
Realtors will learn to guide clients to homes that are superior on several levels; healthy, durable and with lower cost of ownership.
Realtors will learn to guide clients to homes that are superior on several levels; healthy, durable and with lower cost of ownership.
One of the key components to achieving a Zero Net Energy building is the tightness of its envelope to air infiltration. Learning objectives include: Summarize where and how buildings leak airExplain how air sealing is a key component to controlling moisture problems, reducing unwanted stack effects, and maintaining indoor thermal comfort.Explain to clients why high […]